Sometimes this verse is hard to put into practice as there are days if we could either press the rewind or fast-forward button we would do so and on extreme days sometimes a cartoon like dynamite stick seems the best way to go. And yet we are encouraged in this verse, to be reminded that today, even if it’s an awful day, God made it. So we can stop and look and truly be thankful for it, even if it is just learning a lesson or handing over a situation to God.
I was thinking about this when we had a couple of warm days this week and I managed to get out into the garden and then I kept getting bitten by midges. Compared with most other things in life midges are probably the smallest problem we have but I thought it was a good analogy.
In the winter, which is the least favourite season for many people, have you noticed there are no midges? But when we are walking our dog or are outside in the cold and rain, we can be so focused on the bad weather we don’t notice or appreciate this fact. Just like I appreciate God doing this, as I truly notice and am thankful for this. Another little reminder from God, ‘I’ll help you through the winter days and times of your life.’
In spring, (and it seems to me) through autumn we can be plagued with midges and if you are like me I always seem to have a big welt from them, somewhere on me. We have a lot of ‘walks’ in Seattle around water and trees and our garden backs onto a greenbelt with a wood – a lot of trees overhanging our garden, which apparently midges love. Usually I avoid my favourite walks when I know the big swarms of midges will see me and say ‘great it’s our favourite person, let’s hound her and follow her everywhere!!’
So it’s good on those bad days to take a breather and remember something good, it does our spirit good as well as our health when we try and relax a bit and put everything in perspective.
It’s good to have a trigger to try and start our thinking this way.
Mine are midges, what’s yours?