Over a month ago my Aunt died. I knew I wanted to make this post and until I did, I couldn’t make another. But I kept putting it off as how do I sum up her life or what she meant to me and what her legacy was in one post? I can’t! What I will do is pick just a couple of things that stood out.
Living out the Christian life, being a good example for others, having the right priorities, and show Christ’s love. My aunt (Myrtle McCullins) was that and more. I don’t know if you are blessed in your life by having a prayer warrior. If not, be one for others, prayer is vital. It wasn’t until latter years that I realised when my aunt said she was praying for me, it wasn’t just once a day in her prayer time but constantly during the day.
If you are alone, or infirm or feel you can’t do anything – pray, it's a ministry! And never ever say “I can only pray” - it’s vital for your church, leaders, people in ministry, neighbours, everyone in your life. It’s a gift you give to others by praying for them, and one I really appreciated, over everything from my aunt.
She was humble, generous, loving and really cared about people and what they were going through. She never had a dog, had never met Hamish but always asked after him and had a picture of him on her mantelpiece (I wasn’t even in it!)
People can see God’s love shining through you, if you get out of the way! She was a godly woman and I really miss her but I know I will see her again.
She had a cutting board which I now have and it means so much me as it’s a wonderful promise from God and her last encouragement to me Joshua 23:14.
I also started thinking about legacy’s and what we leave behind. It’s a good time to stop and ask “Is my priority right, do I put as much thought, talk, prayer into my children’s spiritual life than I do their education or other areas?”
Or “Am I working as hard, through amount of time spent in prayer for my loved ones, bible reading and spending time with them, than I am concentrating on building up my business and leaving behind money for them?”
It will be different for all of us, what our natural tendency is, but we have to make sure that our top priority is always God and His will in our lives as the only legacy that is important is a spiritual one. Not just for ourselves but for others in our lives.
So what will your legacy be? How will you be remembered – by being a vessel for God, showing his love, sharing the good news and living for him?
Without that everything else is meaningless.