Sunsets can be stunning, last a long time, but they can also be stormy – hard to even see the sun through the dark clouds, and be over very quickly. They also are different for everyone, the person next to you, sees it differently as they aren’t in the exact same spot, the shadows of a tree or cloud will make it slightly different.
Just like in our lives some things come to a satisfying end, giving nice closure and we can look back fondly at the memories. Other times we can’t wait for the sunset or the end is hidden from us, like illness or hard times and it’s not until it’s well behind us, that we even realise we are finished with it.
We may not know what shape or type or what our next sunrise will be in different aspects of our lives but we do know that God is with us. So if you are facing a beautiful or stormy sunset in life, trust in God and He will be with you every step of the way showing you at the right time what your sunrise on a new chapter will look like.
We will never understand everything fully here on earth but one day we will and we will see Jesus and everything will be put into perspective and make sense to us.
Until then I do try and look to Hamish as my daily example, as he reminds me with how quickly he slots into new situations, from holiday cabin back to home he just accepts it and lives in the now.