Sometimes we can become so familiar with a verse that we don’t stop and really analyse it. I did that with this verse. It was thanks to my Dad preaching on this verse, when I was putting his sermon onto powerpoint that the meaning really hit me. That the promise to Christians is that goodness will follow us through life.
“Goodness will follow whatever happens to me even the bad, the evil, and the difficult.” So I’d like to look and explore this point further today.
We know that we will go through tough times here on earth but in our shadow of our footsteps, goodness and blessings will come out of it. (see also Romans 8:28) Not just for us but for others. Do you ever think that those tough times you have gone through; God wants you to use that to help others? Your story, of how God has or is helping you through something, can be used by God either to help bring someone to Himself, or to help others grow in their Christian walk.
Your story is unique because you are unique. We don’t know what other people are going through, but if we are more open with what we have been through and share how God has and is working in that area, then that non Christian really will see that we understand, because we have experienced it as well.
You can be the start of someone’s healing by allowing God working through you. It doesn't mean that you have to stand and shout the most painful part of your life from a street corner; maybe it’s just to a friend or colleague.
So remember the goodness and blessing that came from that situation you’d rather not dwell on, isn’t just for you but for others. They can be helped, healed or even come to know God by you sharing your story and faith with others, by allowing God to work through you.
Isn’t that the ultimate goodness and blessing that could come from “the bad, the evil, the difficult” in your life? That someone could come and know God through your willingness to share how God has worked in your life!