Hamish when we just got him.
It’s good at the end of a day, month and today the year to reflect, evaluate on all areas of our life. To ask ourselves what works, what didn't and what do we need to do or change and what can we learn from it.
What needs pruning?
This means getting rid of anything that isn’t fruitful, trimming back on areas that maybe aren’t producing as much fruit as they once did to make room for the new growth; the part in your life that is producing good fruit.
We also need to think about situations we find ourselves in, at work, with friends, family. What is helpful in your Christian life and what isn’t?
Is there gossip at work that you need to avoid?
Sometimes we get so used to things being a certain way we don’t even think about looking at it from the viewpoint of ‘is it helpful in my walk with God?’ If it isn’t, we need to think about how we can change it, or not put ourselves in that situation at all.
If it’s someone you are witnessing to but don’t like either the place you meet, what you do, or if they gossip then you can gently suggest an alternative and explain that it is making you uncomfortable and why.
We need to take time to reflect on our life, pray and ask God to reveal anything we might have missed that we need to take another look at.
..”But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good, reject every kind of evil.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21,22