As well as the basic salt and sugar, there are other good flavours that you put in a brining solution.
In the past I have put in onions, oranges, juniper berries, peppercorns, sage leaves, apples and herbs.
I then submerse the turkey for a couple of days and through osmosis it takes on the flavours in the brine. All those flavours combine harmoniously to enhance the basic solution making the turkey flavourful as well as moist.
“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it.” Joshua 1:8
We can’t absorb the bible like osmosis. As Christians we can read the bible in a year but if we don’t practically apply and obey it, what good does it do?
But if we are doers and not just hearers of the word, mediating day and night on it (taking time to study a small portion, understand what it means, think about it – how to apply it, pray on it) then the word will permeate through into all areas of our lives.
We also have to pray continually 1 Thess.5:17.
As Christians these are the vital necessities of our lives.
Those are the salt and sugar of our brine in life – what keeps us from drying out and becoming useless and tasteless as Christians.
If we obey God and allow Him to work in us, then the fruit of the Spirit will grow and manifest in our lives: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” That is where the flavour in our lives comes in. Then other people will want to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” (psalm 34:8).
I wouldn’t dream of putting in rotten eggs, or things that would taste horrible to my brine. The turkey would end up tasting nasty and the lovely flavours would be completely overshadowed, I would have to spit the turkey out. And yet in our lives we can allow things in that aren’t lovely or good. We have to examine our lives constantly in all areas to see if there is anything that can taint things.
Like a dog will show you what you are emitting, so too will there be a result as to what you are allowing in your life. What’s in your brine?
Like osmosis things can seep in that we may not be aware of but it does influence and affect us.
Who are we listening to that shapes our opinions on different subjects?
Is there an area of our lives that isn’t fruitful and why is that? Is something hindering or causing it? Is our ‘brine’ in life not tasty, what is in there that shouldn’t be?
What do we need more of – salt or sugar (bible and prayer) or maybe it’s both?
Take time out to examine your life and make sure your brine is tasty!