So I wanted to answer a few questions and let you know about it.
I haven't posted anything for ages, and I apologise for that. Even before my Aunt died I realised that sometimes I wanted to say something but it wasn't related to the dog. So do I create a new webpage as well as this? For now, and we'll see how it works out, I decided to keep it all here but just separate out 'thought for the day' - the dog related posts from the non dog posts.
By doing this, I hope it will keep dog lovers happy, and this after all is called "myGodandmydog." But a few people don't have dogs and I hope by having a different section it will be relevant to them. Of course I'd love it if people read both!
I did plan on taking all of the posts here that were not dog related out and put them over in the new area, but because of how I named them (day 1 etc) I can't as it would mess this section up.
I'm still planning on doing my dog posts and that won't change. So don't forget to read both areas and if you have RSS feed for this area you do need to separately subscribe to the new area if you want updates from that. See sidebar area for more info and a link to what RSS is. You may have to redo the RSS for this area, as it seems to not be updating. This could be due to accidentally having let this webpage domain run out.
Please feel free to give me feedback or comments or questions about all this.