I discovered something today, I really am scared of water and don’t have faith in canoes. As soon as I was in it and it kept going sideways, sometimes an inch away from the ocean, any faith I had that I wouldn’t fall out, vanished. As I said in the video, forget about having enough faith to step out of the boat I was finding it hard to have enough faith to get in the boat, then I had none left over!
It makes all the difference in who or what you place your faith in, doesn’t it? If it was a large boat I wouldn’t think twice but even that can sink. Only God is infallible. If you place your faith in your husband or friend they will eventually let you down. Sometimes we seem to place enormous faith in ourselves as we think we know best in a situation or how to handle something. It’s like Hamish in the 2nd video (once I got out of the boat!) he was OK in the beginning, then Hamish tried to control the oars when he was unsure of the situation he was in, but imagine the disaster if he did! It sounds stupid but isn’t that what we do sometimes, trying to control the oars and take them away from God?
Anthony came immediately back and let Hamish out.