What a picture for us to remember and help us when we ask ourselves “am I hungering after God like that?”
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
Matthew 5:6
If we aren’t hungering after righteousness – God, then we won’t be satisfied. If you aren’t satisfied, it’s because you are hungering after something else more than God. Christians can easily experience this at times in their life, but not know why. So if you go through a period in life and you aren’t satisfied, take a look at your life. And ask yourself a few questions.
- Is God truly, practically number one in all areas
of my life right now? If not, why not?
- Am I praying and reading the bible consistently?
- What am I yearning for – recognition, fame,
fortune? (This may not be at first glance that
obvious, but when you look at your desires, is it
for more money etc?)
- What is taking up more time in my life
than usual?
Is this causing me to say I have no time for
bible study?
- Do I honestly, truly even have a yearning for
a quiet time – get closer to God?
So if I am not satisfied, what is ‘feeding me’ if it’s not God? Some things it can be - pride, doing what makes me feel good, negative thoughts, addictions, what others think of me.
Some things can fill a need for a moment but very soon afterwards you are left hungry again. It’s like having an ice-cream, it can taste good, go down smoothly but an hour later you are hungry, it didn’t satisfy true hunger.
Only walking closely with God can truly, long term, satisfy ALL our needs. If we aren’t hungering after God, we are hungering after something else. The unmistakable, can’t fool yourself symptom of this is dissatisfaction.
So what are you hungry for?
Are you truly satisfied?