He takes as long as I do eating an ice-cream – he licks it slowly and doesn’t gulp it down in one bite like a lot of other dogs. He does a lot of things differently and has his quirks which makes him unique.
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
You are not an accident, an afterthought or a mistake!
Do you think of yourself in the way Ephesians 2:10 shows us? That in Jesus, God made us the way we have to be, to do the things God wants us to do!
If you are shy, stubborn, always was a bit of a rebel, or never seemed to fit in with your peers – accept it, celebrate it! God prepared a work for you to do before He made you. That’s why he made you the way you are, so you, through Him could accomplish it.
God may have known getting some work accomplished here would be difficult so may have made you stubborn, not so you would sin with it, but rather that you wouldn’t give up on His work when the going got tough. If you are a rebel, be a rebel for Him – rebel against all that is wrong and mainstream secularism and speak up and work for what God has called you to be.
Character traits that we may have been told aren’t good – like stubbornness can be a good thing. It’s all about how we choose to use it, if it’s in rebellion against God or for God.
If you are shy, please don’t envy others who with their outgoing personality are a magnet in a crowd of strangers. I am very shy with people I don’t know well. When you get to know me, I’m not. When I was younger I was told I came across aloof and they couldn’t believe what I was really like when they got to know me. But I can spot a shy person a mile away in a crowd, when others who don’t understand shyness may think a person is snobby or unfriendly, I know differently. Are you like that?
Have you ever thought that only you can reach a certain person? We all have different personalities and gifts. This combined with God working in us makes us a unique masterpiece. Only you can reach those people that God puts in your path. Only you can reach that person that others can’t connect with.
So next time you complain about your nose, hair or that you are too short or tall – God made you that way! The creator of the entire universe made you – you are priceless, you are beautiful in Him.
Don’t waste a masterpiece!