I knew it was going to snow but didn’t think there would be a power cut. I was either totally unprepared or half prepared in some areas.
After our last power outage we had bought a BBQ thinking we could use it if we ever had a power cut. But the BBQ was outside, snowed in with freezing lines and discovered the gas valve had been left open. We don’t have a shelter outside for it, so it may be helpful in a power cut if there isn’t freezing rain or snow!
I was aware that you could buy those small individual gas burner (portable gas stove) that you could use indoors if you have a lot of ventilation, but didn’t buy it as I thought the BBQ would do instead.
I had bought a miner’s torch (a torch on a headband so you have hands free light to do other things) in case this happened but I didn’t have the right batteries for it. All week this was brought to mind but I kept forgetting to buy them.
We didn’t have the heating on overnight so the house was already cold by the time of the power cut (in case you were wondering how our home got so cold.)
In the Pacific North West we are encouraged to have 3 days emergency kit in case of disaster. (3 days 3 ways) We don’t have that either (but slowly building it up).
As soon as the power went off, the verses that came to me were Matthew 25:1-13. Did I have such a ‘duh, if only’ moment!
Are you going to have a duh moment, either when Jesus comes again or if you die in a sudden accident? It’s too late when you stand before God to do anything about it. You can’t say, well I’ll try and negotiate and say I was a good person. Or I’ll do it tomorrow or look into it more when I have time.
That is why there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth because so many people will realise that the gospel being preached here was true, the only way to God was through Jesus and they never accepted Jesus as their personal saviour. They didn’t trust in Jesus alone for salvation. It is going to be too late then. Please if you are not sure you are going to heaven do something NOW about it – come to Jesus.
If you are a Christian, don’t be like me being half prepared in the storm. Are you living like it’s your last day on earth in light of eternal life? God places people in our life for a reason, do they know Jesus? It’s not our responsibility for them to accept Jesus, but it is our responsibility to share the gospel with them, praying for them. It shouldn’t be a duty but a love for them – we want to do it.
Are you living life as preparation for eternity? Or are you half prepared – you might be saved but are doing your own thing. You know Jesus is coming back but you are not doing any ministry or purposeful good works, Jesus isn’t Lord in your life right now. And finding out what God’s plan is for you and doing it, isn’t a priority. You have been on fire for Jesus once, but you have lost steam. You forgot we are just visitors here, this isn’t our home. (Hebrews 13:14) If Jesus comes back right now, would you be ashamed? Would you feel surprised, caught unaware?
We lived in the Midwest with brutal bad winters and Virginia had a particular bad winter (the snow came up to the metal mail box!) and we didn’t have long power cuts there. Here in Seattle, the winters are mild. But we have a lot of trees here where we live and it’s the trees that are bringing down the powerlines. I knew this but still lived like it wasn’t going to happen today.
One of the first things I did when I got my power on was to order one of those portable gas stoves I can use indoors. I am not going to live in regret but I am learning my lesson and moving forward.
Don’t live in vain regret of what you could have done sooner; when you come to Jesus and repent you don’t have regrets. (“For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10)
As Christians we live with whatever time we have left to live, to live it to the fullest in Jesus. (John 10:10)