In the Autumn we looked at how good it is to praise God and thank him for Autumn. I’d like to do the same today with winter. Today we had a sudden pile of snow, so it was a snowed-in day. I know some of you aren’t that thankful for winter, all the cold, short days and little if no warm sun. With shovelling snow and dangerous conditions on the road we can get into the mindset of moaning throughout winter.
I am unusual as I have the tendency to moan throughout summer as the sun gives me headaches and makes me feel sick if I am out in it (honestly!) It can annoy me as I would love to go to hot places and lie in the sun like normal people. But today I realised maybe I am like this so I can encourage people through the winter! Just look at children, at how they love the snow and have so much fun in it. Hamish reminded me to have fun!
In modern society, for many of us our life doesn’t tend to revolve around seasons. We still work the same hours in our jobs in winter as we do in summer. And can be as busy in winter as any other season. So we often miss the value of different seasons and what each can bring.
God gave us seasons for a reason.
I believe winter is a time for reflection and preparation as well as rest. We need to periodically take stock of our lives and reflect, learn lessons from the past with an eye on the future as to what can be improved upon or done differently.
The evenings get dark early so it’s a perfect time to have long alone times with God. To wait upon Him while growing up in Him. Land needs a time of ‘winter’ (fallow) to allow it to rest and nourish. We also need to take time to rest in God allowing him to be our nourishment or our crops/fruit will become spindly and weak.
Some of you may know that parsnips and other winter vegetables benefit from a frost but did you know that citrus fruit grown in sunny climates are at their peak in winter? Just like citrus fruit on a dark winter day, we can be that bright ray of sunshine to others by sharing Jesus and showing His love.
God talks about how snow refreshes the land. (Isaiah 55:10) It can be a time of refreshment in our life if we see it that way and allow God to work in our lives.
If you miss the sun, just think that there is no sun in heaven. Don’t panic, there is no sun as God is light. The sun is a pale reflection on earth of God’s light and warmth. God is our light, our warmth, our source of joy not the sun; on the coldest darkest day as well as the hottest sunniest day.
Come to God today and rest in Him. When we are busy that is when we need to rest in Him even more. He is far better than having a steaming mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top, cuddled up and warming your toes beside a roasting big fire while outside the snow is piling up.
Really? Yes!
If you haven’t experienced God in that more than amazing way, make him Lord as well as saviour today.