Hamish just wonders what is going on at this time of year. All those decorations and lights, he is perplexed by it all.
We are nearly finished putting all the outside lights up. I love seeing all those lights shining.
Is our light shining? - We have to let God shine through us. It’s not just non Christians that see ‘our light’ but other Christians as well. I enjoy seeing how people are spurred on by seeing how others light up their house and then copy or even improve on it (although the competition can get out of hand!) In the same way we can look at other Christians we respect, and see how their light shines in areas of their life. We can get inspired by them and adopt the best practical applications that works in our lives.
There are so many different colours of lights and even numerous settings of sequencing them. Like Christmas lights, there are so many people shining their lights for different religions or what they stand for. It can get quite confusing with them all on at once. But we are the true, clear, pure, simple, and most brilliant of all lights as we reflect God.
In amongst the chaos around us in the world, we bring the purest simple message of all – the only truth – Jesus.
We all have heard “Jesus is the reason for the season” but don’t stop at the cradle when you share Him. Make it practical for them, that Jesus is relevant for their lives because he died and rose from the grave for them. That he is now in heaven interceding for us – he bridged the gap so those who believe in Him, can have assurance of heaven and help here, till we get there.
I think most of us have seen children singing “this little light of mine”. Don’t you love the kid who sings the loudest, just so happy to be there? Not concentrating on what others are thinking about them, but just on singing that song, with all the joy in their hearts. Oh may we be like them in life with our light.
So are you being that light, or is it flickering or dim? We need to be walking with God so He can then shine through us. Let us shine, not in competition with other Christians, but with them, bringing the same light but in different forms (our different personalities). So let everyone shine those quirky, funny shaped, unusual, standard, glossy, plain lights and shine for all who can see. And may those who are perplexed like Hamish, come to understand what it is all about.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
May our light shine bright and true, not just at Christmastime but all year.