It was a blustery day and the fog had just dissipated. The rocks around the edge of the cliff were wet from the rain and the ocean. I had just noticed that there was a small gap under the fence in one spot. “I am so glad Hamish is on the leash, as you know him he would be through that hole in a second.” I wondered why as I was saying this, that my husband Anthony had a weird look. I followed his gaze, and in disbelief I saw that Hamish had slipped his collar & leash and was squeezing through this hole!
He ran up and down this narrow, slippery ledge. He then decided he wanted to get back to us, so he tried to crawl back through this hole. But he quickly found he couldn’t, as the rocks on that side of the hole were sharp and would have cut him to shreds. He was now desperate to get back to us. All I could see was the sheer drop into the ocean right behind him. Before I could say anything or react to the situation, Anthony had climbed over the tall fence, stood on the narrow ledge, and quickly picked Hamish up.
Have you ever looked back and realised that there is a fence between you and God?
One minute you were walking with Him and then suddenly there is this wall. Or did you enjoy your ‘freedom’, doing what you want, and then you look around yourself, only to realise you are standing on a cliff edge with nowhere to go. Then as you tried to get out of it, it’s just getting worse – that hole is cutting you deeper.
I know I have, by giving into temptation or by situations I’ve been in. I realise I had been trying to solve problems on my own, even feeling sometimes “I’ve got myself into this situation, I can’t ask God to get me out.” Anthony could only pick Hamish up when he stopped running about and let someone help.
Or are you saying , “where is God? If there was a God this wouldn’t be happening.” God cares! He cares about that ‘impossible’ situation you are in, God is waiting for you to call to Him. Like I was waiting for Hamish to want to come back to us.
Trust God, turn to Him.
“He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” Psalm 40:2 God wants to rescue us, even before we know we need rescuing.