update - I also have a second blog in this website "non dog posts" for the days when it's not about the dog!
Why this website?
Jesus used parables to illustrate His message in a relatable way.
Each day with my dog, he brings to life, truths about my walk with God.
My prayer is that we grow in our faith & walk with God. And if you don't know Him, you will come to experience Jesus for yourself.
What to expect, is it all about?
A fun and different look at the Christian walk and the truths that can be found just by doing daily things with our dogs.
_This is a 'thought for the day' type blog, just taking one aspect of a subject or bible verse and looking at it. I am not attempting to cover all aspects of anything, so my prayer is that you will look into, and think about these things further. And that we become 'doers' and not just hearers.
Who is this for?
If you don't have a dog but like reading about relatable, applicable things, welcome.
If you do have a dog, then I am sure you can relate, as your dog shows you things in a different and unique way.
Who am I?
I am from Scotland, UK. My name is Judith Ponton. I have been married to my husband Anthony for 19yrs and we have lived for the past 7yrs just outside Seattle, WA. It's just us and our dog.
I am not a writer, bible scholar or an expert in anything, this will become evident! I also have a sometimes weird, sense of humour. But I would like to share with you the joys, sorrows and in between of life with a dog.
You can contact me by emailing me at Judith@myGodandmydog (dot com)
You can contact me by emailing me at Judith@myGodandmydog (dot com)
My Dog

He is called Hamish (pronounced Hay-mish) and is a 3yr old, english cocker spaniel. He still thinks he is a puppy and you will get to know his antics!
I am Scottish and wanted a fun, really Scottish name. Hamish is derivative from Jacob meaning 'he who supplants', as I originally wanted a 'bitch' and ended up with him, I thought it was appropriate.
I am Scottish and wanted a fun, really Scottish name. Hamish is derivative from Jacob meaning 'he who supplants', as I originally wanted a 'bitch' and ended up with him, I thought it was appropriate.